The commercials that we had to watch, were effective in a way. Not all of them were very effective in my point of view, but there were ones that really made me think. I liked them because at least they were funny, or caught my attention.The one that stuck to me the most was Evolution by Dove. I think that one actually gets every woman's attention.It made me realize how beauty is fake. I believe that what impresses everyone the most is that a normal girl that you can see just walking down the street can turn into a model with just make up and a person that's good at photoshop.
In the commercial I make, I think I'll use either humor or information that is important in our lives today. Funny commercials ALWAYS get people's attention, I mean, it makes people watch it. Important information that can be relevant for our everyday life. If we realize how things really are, it automatically catches people's attention. I think that the difficulties I'll have are getting the ideas. I know what I might do, but the ideas of how to express it might be more hard.