Friday, October 23, 2009

blur family tree

Typing Scores

I've been doing typing tests at least twice a week since the beginning of the year. I feel that I have improved in various ways. Now, I don't look that much at my keyboard when I type and I don't make many mistakes anymore. My accuracy at the beginning of the year was about 87%, now it has raised up to about 94%. I hope to go up to, at least 98%. My gross speed gets higher and lower but it is not very different from the one at the beginning. It started at 15 and my highest right now is 21. My goal in this is to at least double it. To accomplish this, I will type paragraphs and stuff like that more often, without looking at my keyboard. Next week, we have the "Blind Test", which is a test for typing where we get our hands covered, so we can't look at the keyboard. I hope to do well, and get at least 18 wpm and 90% accuracy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Future Artifact

Well, I feel like this project was actually very fun and easy for me. The only hard thing about my project was that I couldn't think of a good idea. I had to start my project over a again, a couple of times. Another thing I didn't like was that I couldn't get help during the moment I needed it, so I had to do simpler things. What I liked about my project was that once I thought of something, I got really inspired and started adding things to the iPod. If I had to change something in my project, I would probably make it more sophisticated.
This is a link to Fernanda's project. The project she did was the one I liked the most. I really liked how she is recording the dreams the lady is having and then she is able to see her dream all over again when she wakes up. Although, I think that she used skills from photoshop that I've already used and have already talked about.

I would absolutely love to have this artifact in my house. Maybe this artifact can be created in the future and it would probably be very cool. If it exsisted, I would totally buy it and watch my dreams every day. If people bought this artifact, it would be very cool, but it could cause many problems. It would cause problems because there are some dreams that probably should not be seen, and we would be watching them, and also other people could find out about your secret dreams. Other than that, this artifact is really cool and it is a great idea. I think a lot of people would buy it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

tutorail 2

This tutorial helped me for my project. I used this kind of effect for the laser coming out of the iPod. While doing the tutorial, I got completely lost because for some reason I couldn’t find some applications, but after searching I did. I actually liked this tutorial because it wasn’t as complicated as others.

tutorial 1

This tutorial helped me in many ways. Well in my project I’m not really going to use it, but it was really cool so I still took it. When I started taking it, I got sort of confused, but after a while I could actually see how it all ends up. Even though I’m not going to use it, I would personally like to do another project and use it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Classroom management

In my opinion our classroom needs a lot of management. We don't listen to the teacher, and don't follow instructions. Instead of listening to the teacher we are doing something else, so maybe we should get instructions before we turn on our computers. We should also be able to use facebook but after we turn in our work and never before because it entertains us. I think that the punishment we get for going into facebook on inappropiete time is great, maybe that way we learn how to listen to the teachers.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Artifacts from the Future\
I chose this artifact because in my opinion it is perfect and a lot of people would love to have it.
You wouldn't even need to get out of your house to do shopping. You could just choose the artifact you like and it recreates it right there. It's from the future because it makes the artifact next to you and you can just choose it in your computer and wait a few seconds and there, done you have it. This inspires me to make something where you choose the outfit you want to wear, stand on a plataform and there you have you new outfit on you and you are ready to go.